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Teaching Practicum

Expectations: The Department of Agronomy at Iowa State University recognizes the importance of teaching/extension experiences in the professional development of M.S. and Ph.D. candidates.

Students who seek this experience and training are encouraged to visit with their major professors about taking Agron 698. When enrolled in Agron 698, students choose the course or extension activities in which they wish to work in conjunction with participating faculty members. The Graduate Programs Secretary in 1126 Agronomy Hall may be able to help in coordinating activities.

Teaching Assistants: For those graduate students who have formal appointments as graduate teaching assistants, teaching activities typically average 15 hours per week for both fall and spring terms and 5 hours per week in the summer semester (the actual hours per term may vary). The exact nature of the each assistant’s teaching activities will be arranged in consultation with the participating faculty member. Teaching assistants will be primarily involved in the undergraduate teaching program and receive Agronomy 698 credit each term of involvement.

Agronomy 698 Credit: Students who enroll in Agron 698 earn two credits for each 10 hours/week of effort. The course is offered on a satisfactory-fail basis only and the staff member supervising the teaching experience will award the grade. Graduate students are encouraged to visit with their major professor, the teacher of a course in which they have an interest, or the chair of the teaching panel for further information. Be sure to see the Graduate Programs Secretary in 1126 Agronomy Hall for the reference number of the faculty member with whom you will be working.