Life Cycle

The Weed Seed

The weed seed is the form of the plant that has the longest life, primarily because of its longevity in the soil seed bank (even if for only one year). The life cycle of the seed starts with the shift of the vegetative plant from growth to reproduction. The matures on the parent plant and is dispersed usually to the soil seed bank, its home until the next growing season. It remains in the soil seed bank in a fairly stable condition because of seed dormancy. The seed phase of the life cycle ends with seed germination and emergence.

Seed Dispersal | The Soil Seed Bank | Seed Dormancy | Reproduction

Weed Seed

Seed: Fertilized, mature (ripened) ovule having an embryonic plant, stored food material (rarely missing; endosperm or perisperm), an a protective coat (testa) or coats

Roles of seed:
1. vehicle for species multiplication
2. dispersal role
3. protection during conditions unfavorable for germination and development (dormancy; seedbank)
4. temporary source of food for the embryo
5. source for transfer of new genetic combinations (diversity)


The Weedy Life Cycle | The Plant
